Social Security Administration Vision 2025
By admin
As the Social Security Administration (SSA) approaches its 80th year in existence, it’s rolling out Vision 2025. Vision 2025 is the initial step in SSA’s plan to better serve their customers (that’s you in case you were wondering) with a focus on customer service, talent management, and advancing SSA’s technology.
SSA notes that with the population aged 65 and older expected to grow by more than eight million from 2015 to 2020, followed by an additional 18 million by 2030, the demand for their services will increase exponentially and the administration is gearing up.
Of further note, the administration is becoming increasingly aware of just how complex their business process has become and are actively working to simplify the policies and procedures obstructing customers and employees alike.
One of the key items serving to drive this new plan is the Social Security Administration’s acknowledgment that their technology infrastructure and legacy systems are out of date. With a focus on evolving, the SSA notes that as much as 83% of upcoming retirees (Age 50-64) use the internet and email regularly with people younger than 44, using hand held and mobile devices to access the internet by 80%. At these rates, the administration estimates that by 2018, Americans will increase internet traffic by 241%.
So what does this ultimately mean to you, the consumer? If the Vision is pulled off, your experience with Social Security benefits, be it retirement, Medicare, or disability will hopefully feel more like public assistance and less like a hurdle just to get through the automated phone system or the red tape (just a few of the positives). As always, nothing is guaranteed, but at the very least the Social Security Administration is making attempts to better serve you in retirement and the other circumstances you may face.
For more details on the items listed above, the entire lists of “Drivers for Vision 2025”, and the full scope of what Vision 2025 covers, click here: