In the News

What’s What in Medicaid Planning: Institutional Care Program (ICP)

What’s What in Medicaid Planning: Institutional Care Program (ICP)

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So you’re researching Medicaid and Medicaid planning in Florida. Whatever your reasons may be, the process of applying for Medicaid can be stressful based on the uncertainty and the lack of knowledge, let alone the emotional aspect of going into or placing a loved one into a nursing facility. One of the most popularly searched terms you… Continue Reading

Living Life in the Cloud: Estate Planning for Digital Assets

Living Life in the Cloud: Estate Planning for Digital Assets

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Most Americans now live double lives: the physical and the digital. We exist in the physical world, but we also exist as digital presences in a vast online bazaar. And some of us are a combination of 1’s and 0’s that add up to unexpected profit. Think about this: how much of your life is… Continue Reading

Clash of Wills

Clash of Wills

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One question estate planning lawyers are very familiar with is what constitutes the best choice of estate planning: making a will or making a trust? The answer, I’m afraid to say, is not a one-size fits all costume. It is tailored to an individual’s needs, making it important to consult with your estate planning attorney before… Continue Reading

Will Medicaid Take My Home When I Die?

Will Medicaid Take My Home When I Die?

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For many clients and families the primary asset is the home. “When I die will Medicaid take my home?” is a common concern for many of our clients. The short answer is probably not. However, like most questions the answer depends on the context of the question. If a person accepts public assistance through Medicaid… Continue Reading

Estate Planning…It’s Not Only About the Money.

Estate Planning…It’s Not Only About the Money.

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Many clients believe they do not have much of an estate. This may lead them to believe they don’t need to worry about an estate plan. Everyone has an estate whether modest or extensive; we all own something. Mistakenly, clients often believe the size of an estate determines if estate planning is necessary. In reality, the… Continue Reading

Andrew Boyer honored at Supreme Court for Pro Bono Service

Andrew Boyer honored at Supreme Court for Pro Bono Service

By Andrew Boyer

In 1994, Andrew R. Boyer traveled with his father and mother to Tallahassee where Edwin Boyer received the Florida Bar President’s Pro Bono Service Award for his work in the 12th Judicial Circuit. Andrew patiently sat through the ceremony, and afterward the Supreme Court justices let him sit on the bench. The experience made an impression. Today,… Continue Reading

What is an Emergency Temporary Guardianship?

What is an Emergency Temporary Guardianship?

By admin

In Florida, a guardian is defined as a “person who has been appointed by the court to act on behalf of a ward’s person or property, or both.” A guardian is normally appointed by a court (unless a less restrictive alternative is available) when a judge determines that a ward lacks the capacity to “manage… Continue Reading

Florida Supreme Court Slams Unlicensed “Medicaid Planners”

Florida Supreme Court Slams Unlicensed “Medicaid Planners”

By Andrew Boyer

One of the most heartbreaking parts of our practice is explaining to families that they received bad advice. We often come across situations where non-attorney medicaid planners have charged a family for services that should have been completed by a licensed Florida attorney. Sometimes things go through as planned, other times assets are sold when they… Continue Reading

How do I “get guardianship” over my father?

How do I “get guardianship” over my father?

By Andrew Boyer

Self Neglect is a serious and life threatening issue for seniors in Florida.  When we are discussing self neglect, we’re talking about an individual who is suffering from the ill effects of neglect not caused by a second party and is in need of protective services or other services to prevent further harm. Guardianship attorneys typically… Continue Reading

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