In the News

Senate Committee Approves Special Needs Trust Fairness Act

Senate Committee Approves Special Needs Trust Fairness Act

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On June 24, 2015 the Senate Finance Committee approved The Special Needs Trust Fairness Act. The Act was first introduced to the Senate on 2/3/15 and now that it’s been approved by the Senate Finance Committee it will be up for vote by the Senate. A little background on Special Needs Trusts and what would… Continue Reading

Andrew Boyer Awarded Circuit’s Top Pro Bono Award

Andrew Boyer Awarded Circuit’s Top Pro Bono Award

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Sarasota, FL- Attorney Andrew Boyer of Boyer & Boyer, P.A. was awarded the Judge Robert B. Bennett, Jr. Pro Bono Excellence Award presented by Legal Aid of Manasota and the 12th Judicial Circuit on June 16, 2015. The award is the highest honor bestowed upon an attorney in the 12th Judicial Circuit for pro bono… Continue Reading

What’s What in Medicaid Planning: Personal Service Contract

What’s What in Medicaid Planning: Personal Service Contract

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You may be doing research for yourself or a loved one on Medicaid Planning in Florida. You may have heard about a Personal Services Contract and would like to know more. A Personal Service Contract is an agreement that Florida Medicaid allows in order for a child to provide services of a personal nature to a parent in an nursing… Continue Reading

New Rule Proposed for Medicaid and CHIP Enrollees

New Rule Proposed for Medicaid and CHIP Enrollees

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On May 26, 2015 the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) proposed the following ways to modernize Medicaid Managed Care regulations: Support States’ efforts to encourage delivery system reform initiatives within managed care programs that aim to improve health care outcomes and beneficiary experience while controlling costs Strengthening the quality of care provided to… Continue Reading

White House Conference on Aging Tampa, FL Regional Forum

White House Conference on Aging Tampa, FL Regional Forum

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On February 19, 2015 the White House Conference on Aging Regional Forum was held in Tampa, making it the only regional forum held in the entire Southeast. Since the 1960s, the White House has held a Conference on Aging (WHCOA) in an effort to find new ways to improve the lives of older Americans. Some… Continue Reading

What’s What in Medicaid Planning: Acceptable Transfers of Assets and Income

What’s What in Medicaid Planning: Acceptable Transfers of Assets and Income

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Researching Medicaid can not only be intensive and time consuming, but also confusing! Florida Medicaid policies and procedures are ever changing, and Medicaid can be very complex, specifically when a Medicaid applicant has various types of assets. For this reason, potential Medicaid applicants often receive harmful information from unlicensed sources on how to transfer assets or income… Continue Reading

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What’s What in Medicaid Planning: Medically Needy Program

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So you’ve taken the first step and started researching Medicaid and Medicaid planning in Florida. What is the Medically Needy Program? In some cases the program is referred to as the “Share of Cost” program. It’s a program offered by the Department of Children and Families (DCF) who also determine a Florida Medicaid applicant’s eligibility…. Continue Reading

Social Security Administration Vision 2025

Social Security Administration Vision 2025

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As the Social Security Administration (SSA) approaches its 80th year in existence, it’s rolling out Vision 2025. Vision 2025 is the initial step in SSA’s plan to better serve their customers (that’s you in case you were wondering) with a focus on customer service, talent management, and advancing SSA’s technology. SSA notes that with the… Continue Reading

 Understanding Elder Abuse

 Understanding Elder Abuse

By Andrew Boyer

Although the extent of elder abuse is not completely known, the problem affects a significant number of older persons.  According to the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, “every year an estimated 2.1 million older Americans are victims of elder abuse, neglect, or exploitation. And that’s only part of the picture: Experts believe… Continue Reading

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