For many clients and families the primary asset is the home. “When I die will Medicaid take my home?” is a common concern for many of our clients. The short answer is probably not. However, like most questions the answer depends on the context of the question. If a person accepts public assistance through Medicaid… Continue Reading
Many clients believe they do not have much of an estate. This may lead them to believe they don’t need to worry about an estate plan. Everyone has an estate whether modest or extensive; we all own something. Mistakenly, clients often believe the size of an estate determines if estate planning is necessary. In reality, the… Continue Reading
One of the most heartbreaking parts of our practice is explaining to families that they received bad advice. We often come across situations where non-attorney medicaid planners have charged a family for services that should have been completed by a licensed Florida attorney. Sometimes things go through as planned, other times assets are sold when they… Continue Reading
Self Neglect is a serious and life threatening issue for seniors in Florida. When we are discussing self neglect, we’re talking about an individual who is suffering from the ill effects of neglect not caused by a second party and is in need of protective services or other services to prevent further harm. Guardianship attorneys typically… Continue Reading
A quick search of the internet reveals no shortage of Free Power of Attorney Forms, Free Will Forms, and other fill-in-the-blank estate planning documents. With the rampant growth and availability of do-it yourself (DIY) legal market, it is worth taking a moment to evaluate the consumers’ best interest. Specifically with estate planning documents the consumer… Continue Reading
Many of my clients have gone from the hospital to a rehab facility for a 100 days Medicare stay only to learn after day 21, 31, 43 or so on that Medicare coverage is ending because they are no longer improving, or have “reached a plateau” in progress. This meant they were now private pay,… Continue Reading
A question we regularly receive is “How do I become a Florida Resident”. Firstly, Florida does not have specific rules for residency. Each case is fact specific. So let’s start with some of the benefits retirees and other citizens seek to establish themselves as Florida Residents and then give you some ways to establish yourself… Continue Reading
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Observation Status: THE GOOD: If you are a Medicare beneficiary you are entitled up to 100 days of rehabilitation benefits at a rehabilitation facility after a 3 day qualifying inpatient hospital stay. THE BAD: Patients who are classified as “Observation Status” though staying for numerous days, receiving… Continue Reading
The legal and ethical landscape for end-of-life issues is ever evolving. The POLST concept or Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment has been at the forefront of this discussion in Florida among those in the medical and legal fields. The POLST aims to pick up where a living will or advance directive leaves off in that… Continue Reading
We cannot predict
the future, but we can help you plan for it.
How Wrongful Death Works With Probate by Guest Contributor Bernie Walsh, Esq.
One of the most traumatic experiences that a family can have is when a family member passes away. Unfortunately, the trauma can be even worse if someone...
Elderly people work their whole lives to be financially secure when they retire. They will rely on that money to carry them through illness and other expenses...
Boyer & Boyer Fills Over 50 Shoe Boxes for Seniors
On November 30th, the attorneys and staff of Boyer & Boyer, P.A. got together for Shoe Boxes for Seniors, one of our favorite holiday traditions. Shoe Boxes...
How the Legal Community is Helping Victims of Hurricane Michael
Thousands of Floridians were critically affected by Hurricane Michael. Homes were destroyed and lives were taken, but the legal community is doing everything they can to help...
The Veterans Administration (VA) published new rules that will make it more difficult to qualify for benefits like Aid and Attendance, a benefit that provides a cash...
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