
Boyer & Boyer Team Volunteers at the Food Bank of Manatee

Boyer & Boyer Team Volunteers at the Food Bank of Manatee

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Last month, Boyer & Boyer staff members and attorneys spent an afternoon volunteering at the Food Bank of Manatee County. The team cumulatively packed over 800 Sack Summer Hunger Bags for children in need. These bags were distributed to Title 1 schools and to Summer Break Spots around town. Summer Break Spot provides nutritious meals… Continue Reading

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Veterans push for V.A. to Support Medical Marijuana

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Amidst the ongoing American opioid crisis, veterans are looking for alternatives to treat their mental and physical ailments. Many have found that using medical marijuana not only cuts down on their prescription opioid use, but that it is often more effective at treating the pain. While many vets benefit from medical marijuana on a daily… Continue Reading

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SSA Update for Same-Sex Couples

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On June 26, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marriage in all states. Since this ruling, the Social Security Administration (SSA) recognizes same-sex couples’ marriages in all states as well as some non-marital legal relationships (such as specific civil unions and domestic… Continue Reading

Continuing Care Retirement Communities…Are They For You?

Continuing Care Retirement Communities…Are They For You?

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Residential options for senior citizens typically include one of the following: living at home, with a relative, residence in an Independent Living Facility (ILF), residence in an Assisted Living Facility (ALF), and/or Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF). A residential arrangement called a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC), combines ILF, ALF, and SNF under one roof. A… Continue Reading

This Video Captures an Alzheimer’s Moment of Clarity

This Video Captures an Alzheimer’s Moment of Clarity

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Alzheimer’s is a debilitating and slow disease. Loved ones can spend years watching their spouses, partners, or parents fade into the Alzheimer’s abyss. Those afflicted suffer memory loss, many times robbed of their ability to recognize those most dear to them, sometimes becoming fearful or even volatile. An estimated 5.4 million Americans of all ages… Continue Reading

Boyer & Boyer, P.A. Partner Certified by Florida Bar in Elder Law

Boyer & Boyer, P.A. Partner Certified by Florida Bar in Elder Law

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In September of 2016, one of the partners of Boyer & Boyer, PA., Andrew R. Boyer, Esq. was Certified by the Florida Bar in Elder Law. Certification is the highest level of evaluation by the Florida Bar of the competency and experience of attorneys in the areas of law approved for certification. The Florida Bar… Continue Reading

Do-It Yourself and Free Estate Planning Forms…Proceed with Caution

Do-It Yourself and Free Estate Planning Forms…Proceed with Caution

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A quick search of the internet reveals no shortage of Free Power of Attorney Forms, Free Will Forms, and other fill in the blank estate planning documents.  With the rampant growth and availability of the do-it yourself (DIY) legal market, it is worth taking a moment to evaluate what is in the consumers’ best interest…. Continue Reading

Living Life in the Cloud: Estate Planning for Digital Assets

Living Life in the Cloud: Estate Planning for Digital Assets

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Most Americans now live double lives: the physical and the digital. We exist in the physical world, but we also exist as digital presences in a vast online bazaar. And some of us are a combination of 1’s and 0’s that add up to unexpected profit. Think about this: how much of your life is… Continue Reading

Clash of Wills

Clash of Wills

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One question estate planning lawyers are very familiar with is what constitutes the best choice of estate planning: making a will or making a trust? The answer, I’m afraid to say, is not a one-size fits all costume. It is tailored to an individual’s needs, making it important to consult with your estate planning attorney before… Continue Reading

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